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I reached Cold Mountain and all cares stopped.
No idle thoughts remained in my head.
Nothing to do I make mud into pots
And trust the current like an unmoored boat

-modified poem of Hanshan, a hermit from the Chinese Tang Dynasty in the Taoist and Chan tradition (9th century).


About us

Our effort at the Cold Mountain Studio is to invoke both in the artist and everyone connected (patrons, students, supporters) an immersive experience. We believe that deepest intimacy with the world and the Self can be attained by the recognition of beauty and the practice of aesthetics. 



Our Process

At The Cold Mountain Studio, we strive to create an environment where one can nurture a relationship with clay as well as oneself. As a production studio, we must find a balance between efficient and regular output of ceramic functional ware and pursuing our own aesthetic and spiritual goals.  In our Pottery Courses, students are given the opportunity to learn and discover their own voice in an environment of support and discipline. 



Our Aim

Our aim is that every piece that comes from our studio would be like a prayer. Not a prayer in the service of asking for something but rather a prayer of appreciation, a prayer of delight for the beauty and simplicity of natural things. The quiet spirit of the unrefined and the unsophisticated, the art of creating peace. 

Contact Us

Byool Farm, Uprehr, VPO Ramehr, Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh 176052

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©2023 by The Cold Mountain Studio. 

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